Monday, May 12, 2008

Our last day

On Saturday we met up with Santiago again for lunch to return some business cards he let us borrow and say our goodbyes. I truly am so grateful to him. He showed us around, took us sailing, introduced us to his wonderful friends and gave us a lot of advise and recommendations.
After lunch we met up with a client/friends good friend to give her a present. She was delightful and I enjoyed getting to meet her. She seemed very moved by the gift too. We all went to Freddos and had some gelato together.
After saying goodbye to Santiago and my clients friend with the traditional kiss on the cheek Heidi and I headed to the airport where we learned how fun it is to stand in lines and that sometimes you have to pay unexpected airport taxes and that sleeping on airplanes continues to be the worst experience nights sleep you will ever get.
I learned so much from my first trip to South America. I fully understand why people in other countries think that Americans are stupid. Truthfully I felt stupid most of the time. Maybe Stupid is the wrong word, I felt naive. It is a large world and Utah is a bubble, a bubble that I have grown accustomed to. I am so grateful to have explored outside of the bubble. I learned a lot and I will always cherish the memories from this trip!


1 comment:

Contact us at: said...

Glad you had such a great time! Hope there are many more adventures to come...