On Monday Heidi was not feeling well so we got very late start. We went to the local ATM for the first time and my debti/visa would not work! This of course sent me into a panic attack! "OMG I'm in another country and I have no access to money!" Lucky for me Heidi's card worked and my bank sorted things out.
We took a taxi into San Telmo and asked the driver to take us to a bar/restaurant that Santiago had recommended called Rey Castro. The lovely driver dropped us off in the middle of San Telmo, but no where near the restaurant. We paniced for a minute, gathered our wits and asked a pedesitrian whe turned out to be a Spaniard where to go. Lucky for us he had a map and pointed us in the right direction. Castros ended up being about 30 minutes away. Once there we ordered some sandwitches that could have served 4 people. When we left Castros, it was starting to get dark. San Telmo is not a place to be after dark. We somehow ended up in the finatial district where everyone was getting off work and was hustling to get home. You pretty much speed walk or get ran over. We were completly lost so we spotted a Hilton in the far distance and made our way there where we unwound in the lounge for a minute then got a taxi to take us back home. We only took 2 quick pictures in San Telmo because we were afraid to take the camera out. I have never been so intimidated by a city. I was truly an overwhelming experience!!!
Not wanting to be far from home again, we ate dinner at the authentic restaurant next door to our hotel. Absolutely no one spoke any English. I am getting better at ordering, pretty much I point and mispronounce, but it works. We had some acetunias (olives) for an appetiser and a mixed salad, Heidi had some authentic Spagetti with homemade noodles (to die for!), and I ordered a bife de chorizo (super amazing steak) and papas pure (mashed potatoes). Again, we had enough food to feed an army. I suppose it was supposed to be family portions, but they didn't try to tell us.
Sense we were both feeling incredibly physically and mentally exahusted we went back to the room and planned out our trip to Uruguay.
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